A total of 52 participants from Institutes of Environmental Governance (IEGs) participated in the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Module Enhancement Workshop that was held on February 21-22, 2024 at Central Luzon Central Luzon State University (CLSU) located in Science City of Munoz Nueva Ecija.
The enhancement of the existing module on Natural Resource Management is the primary objective of the activity. Facilitated by Tanggol Kalikasan, the workshop participants were grouped into the four areas of the natural resource management module namely, 1. Science; 2. Fisheries; 3. Forestry; and 4. Law enforcement and policy.
The said workshop enabled experts from State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) to:
Add learning objectives of each NRM topic or course
Enhance the content of the course, and
Sharing learnings, challenges, and accomplishments in the implementation of IEG program; and
Modify the module’s title, methodology, and timeframe.
It also gave the participants the opportunity to add innovative learnings and emerging topics on the environment such as agricultural technology and UN Sustainable Development Goals. The output of each group was subjected to plenary presentation for the suggestions and enhancement by other participants. The enhanced module on NRM will be used in the NRM training in partnership with the Occidental Mindoro State College (OMSC).
This activity is under Strategic Approach 2: Capacity Building of Restoring the Economic Sustainability in the West Philippine Sea (RESTORE WPS) Project funded by USAID through the Gerry Roxas Foundation (GRF).