Sea urchin is a marine echinoderm that has a spherical or flattened shell covered in mobile spines, with a mouth in the underside and calcareous jaws. Many species are harvested for food. For this episode, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University talks about interesting information about this marine life including its habitat, importance and current threats.
This episode is produced by the Institute of Environmental Governance in DMMMSU Written and directed by: Ms. Jacklyn C. Andrada, Prof. Desiree A. Vilar, Ms. Alyana Dawn F. Almoite, Mr. Jomar J. Lucena, Mr. Reb Jeffree J. TaƱo and Ms. Jhennyvy J. Andrada.
Wildlife Philippines is an initiative of Tanggol Kalikasan in partnership with IEGs based in selected Higher Educational Institutions all over the country.